Are YOU Working More Than 50 hrs A Week?

Many entrepreneurs are in business because they are passionate about it.  So there are many who would not consider it a problem to “invest” 50 hrs a week on their dream.  But when should you draw the line between “up front pain and long-term gain? According to...
The Backpack Analogy

The Backpack Analogy

Doesn’t that picture give you a vivid visual of what depression, anxiety and/ or chronic pain feels like?  Have you been there – are you there right now?  Check out her “fake”smile.  Who knows what that smile feels like?  Are you wearing it...

True Path ~ What does that mean?

Discovering and walking your True Path does not have to be as challenging as it has been made to feel.  You are NOT alone in this beautifully awkward life; even if it feels like it sometime.  Imagine how incredible and light it feels to know who you truly are and who...

A Curve Ball

June 10, 2015 |When Life Throws You a Curve Ball ~ Embracing Unpredictability | by Madisyn Taylor When the unexpected happens, you always have your inner core strength which cannot be taken from you. In life, we are always setting goals for ourselves and working to...